Sunday, July 22, 2012

FAQ: Stick concealer brand

I received some questions recently about what type of stick concealer I recommend. Sorry it took me so long to answer!

Generally for my concealer I stick to mainstream brands like Loreal or Maybelline. However recently I went on an emergency concealer purchase spree. Not wanting to shell out a bunch of money to get a concealer I decided I was going to go for the cheapest one I could find. I  went for the Wet 'N Wild concealer, which under any other circumstances I would have walked right past, and I was infinetly happier with it than I thought I would be.

I recommend buying this concealer if you can't bring yourself to shell out five bucks for that little tiny stick of concealer, but my favorite concealer will forever remain Rimmel London's Hide The Blemish.

Thanks for the question!

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