Thursday, January 26, 2012

Unnatural - The Expected Letdown

I tried out a newer product today with the intention of seeing how it worked and how it looked. The Natural shade of Almay Smart Shade blush was somewhat unsurprisingly a huge letdown. This was such a disappointment in fact that I will be returning to my old blushing ways of using my own palette to mix my color myself. The first time I tried to apply this product I saw no visible indication that it had even been put on my skin. To be thorough, I tested it on my other cheek and this time, after using the same amount as before, it turned my cheek a horridly noticeably, clown-like shade of mahogany. I was skeptical of this product's ability to "transform its shade to go with you skin tone" to begin with, but now I am moreso. I plan on giving this product one more chance to prove to me that it was worth the huge amount of money I paid for it (compared to my usual pressed powder palette that cost me almost half of this cream).

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